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The Azure Challenge: Optimizing Costs in a Shifting Cloud Landscape

Preface Nearly all clients are seeking greater prosperity in 2024. While client organizations are still focused on cost reductions to meet the challenges of their new economic and market realities, the pent-up demands of the business are increasingly calling for innovation, automation, and organizational performance improvement. Digital Transformation has emerged as the #1 Way to Boost Performance and Savings concurrently. Client organizations that are digitally transforming are harvesting greater value by: Automating tasks (RPA) to streamline efficiencies Unlocking data insights (ML) for better organizational (AI) decision-making Empowering ...

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Top 5 Digital Transformation Strategies to Unlock Prosperity in 2024

Preface Thank you for joining us to learn more about the Top 5 Digital Transformation strategies you can use to unlock prosperity in 2024. Nearly all clients are seeking greater prosperity in 2024. While the demands of the business are increasingly focused on innovation, automation, and organizational performance improvement, client organizations are still focused on cost reductions to meet the new economic and market realities. We foresee a volatile and unpredictable business landscape predicated on geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainty, and continued supply chain disruptions as client organizations continue to diversify their ...

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Top 5 Ways Cloud Providers Can Solve the Challenge of Data Gravity

Steven Zolman
Jul. 13,2023 | Cloud Azure AWS GCP

Preface While cloud adoption has been growing rapidly since before the pandemic, in recent years, there are signs of a slowdown in the overall rate of growth. Several factors contribute to this trend: Price shock: As client organizations migrated their workloads to the cloud, they often underestimated the costs involved. While the cloud offers scalability and flexibility, it is not always the most cost-effective option, particularly for certain types of workloads. Some clients experience price shock when they receive their cloud bills, especially if they haven't properly optimized their resources, realized the implications of data movements, ...

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Top 8 Reasons Why Cloud Cost Optimization Will Improve Over Time

Preface Despite a pervasive industry need, cloud cost optimization has not yet lived up to its potential. Clients are continuing to suffer from cloud cost overruns and efforts to cut costs have been largely ineffective. So then, what is the future for cost optimization with cloud solutions like AWS, Azure, and GCP? Background Review our recent 3-part series on Cloud Costs: Take a look back at our recently completed 3-part series on cloud costs, where we detailed the top 5 price shock phenomena of cloud computing, and how those shocking prices were often caused by migrated workloads that turned out not to be well suited for cloud computing ...

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2023 Forecast: A Little Less Cloudy?

Preface A big story in the first quarter of 2023, is that the era of hyper-accelerated cloud migrations, which has been causing unassailable growth for the major cloud computing providers, may be slowing. Last quarter, Amazon (AWS) posted 'the slowest growth in its history' at 27.5%, down from 33% the quarter before. Cloud Growth at Azure, and GCP is slowing too as customers get a dose of cloud 'cost reality' or what we like to call, Price-Shock. As it turns out, cloud deployments are not always cheaper than implementations on-premises, and many client organizations are determining that previous cloud-migrated workloads may not deliver the ...

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2023 Cloud Cost Series (Part 3 of 3): The Top 5 Reasons Why Clients Are Repatriating Cloud Workloads

Preface Thank you for joining us for this 3-part series on Cloud Costs, where we explore the Top 5 Price Shock Phenomenon’s of Cloud costs, resulting in part from the Top 5 Workloads that are NOT Well Suited for the Cloud, and largely resulting in the Top 5 Reasons Why Clients Are Repatriating previously migrated Workloads from cloud deployments back on-premises: Part 1 (Feb 15): Top 5 Price Shock Phenomenon’s of Cloud Costs Part 2 (Mar 15): Top 5 Workloads that are NOT Well Suited for the Cloud Part 3 (Apr 15): Top 5 Reasons Why Clients Are Repatriating Workloads (This One) Part 3: Top 5 Reasons Why Clients Are Repatriating Workloads In ...

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2023 Cloud Cost Series (Part 2 of 3): The Top 5 Workloads NOT Well Suited for the Cloud

Preface Thank you for joining us for Part 2 of this 3-Part series on Cloud Costs. Please reference the following 3 blogs to get the complete 2023 Cloud Cost Series: Part 1: Feb 15: Top 5 Price Shock Phenomena of Cloud Part 2: Mar 15: Top 5 Workloads that are NOT Well Suited for the Cloud Part 3: Apr 15: Top 5 Reasons Why Clients Are Repatriating Workloads Part 2: Top 5 Workloads NOT Well Suited for The Cloud Introduction Since the mid-2000s, clients have been migrating workloads to the cloud with increasing frequency, but recently, we have seen clients start to repatriate previously migrated workloads back on-premises, due in no small part ...

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Cloud Cost Series (Part 1 of 3): Top 5 Price-Shock Phenomena of Cloud Costs

Thank you for joining us for this 3-part series on 2023 Cloud Costs, where we explore the Top 5 Price Shock Phenomenons of Cloud Costs, resulting in part from the Top 5 Workloads that are NOT Well Suited for the Cloud, and largely emanating from the Top 5 Reasons Why Clients Are Repatriating Cloud Workloads back to on-premises: Part 1: Top 5 Price Shock Phenomena of Cloud Costs Part 2: Top 5 Workloads that are NOT Well Suited for the Cloud Part 3: Top 5 Reasons Why Clients Are Repatriating Workloads Introduction In today’s installment, we’ll discuss the Top 5 Price Shock Phenomena of Cloud Costs. Price Shock is a phenomenon that occurs when ...

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Europe’s Growing Energy Crisis and the Impact to Your Cloud Capacity & Pricing

There is a growing energy crisis in Europe that may have a significant impact on availability and pricing soon for consumers of cloud providers like AWS, Microsoft and Google. With an ongoing war in Ukraine and green energy policies taking effect all over Europe, the pressure on energy has never been greater. And with a supply that could be constricted coupled with growing demand, may equal a business risk for you. The big three customers may take all that on-demand capacity for granted, but those days may be numbered. As French President Macron recently underscored, “We are no longer living in a world of abundance.” Supplies for every ...

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12 for '21 Cloud Optimization Series: Number 11 - Storage Management

Cloud spend is anticipated to continue its massive growth trajectory for the foreseeable future. However, the spend does not have to match that same growth curve! To help our Clients maintain sound Cloud Optimization programs, we've assembled a series of articles and tips called: 12 for '21 Cloud Optimization Series (note: request a download of all 21 here). Today we review the fourth installment in the series: Set Up Hierarchical Storage Management. Data sets have specific lifecycles. Early on, your workload might often access the data. But overtime, data access, in particular the aging one, drops drastically. Some data remains idle in the ...

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