Cloud spend is anticipated to continue its massive growth trajectory for the foreseeable future. However, the spend does not have to match that same growth curve! To help our Clients maintain sound Cloud Optimization programs, we've assembled a series of articles and tips called: 12 for '21 Cloud Optimization Series (note: request a download of all 21 here).
Today we review the second installment in the series: Consolidation.
Consolidating under-utilized and over-utilized instances out of your fleet can be a quick start on the path of cost savings.
By leveraging native analytics, you can generate recommendations toward consolidation (e.g. AWS cost explorer, Azure Advisor, GCP billing and cost management).
From those analytics, you can take tangible steps by:
- Identifying instances with low utilization and downgrade to the most efficient size & type.
- Identifying instances with high utilization and upgrade to the most efficient size & type.
Consolidate Instances
Once you have identified these instances, you should consolidate onto fewer instances of appropriate size and type. These steps should be reviewed with your technology team or application owners.
Use of Spot Instances
You should also take advantage of spot instances to consolidate your on-demand instances particularly for stateless, non-production application, such as development and test servers, where occasional downtime is acceptable. This ensures spend stays optimal and that you’re getting the most out of your cloud resources.
What's Next?
Hope you enjoyed installment number one and two in our series. Here are some options in case you cannot wait for all 21 and need help now:
- Chat with us: As always - if you need to chat with us, send us a note here.
- Read them all: If you can't wait for the entire series, click here to get an advance copy of the 12 for '21 eBook that includes all twelve in one PDF.
About NET(net)
Founded in 2002, NET(net) is the world’s leading IT Investment Optimization firm, helping clients find, get and keep more economic and strategic value. With over 2,500 clients around the world in nearly all industries and geographies, and with the experience of over 25,000 field engagements with over 250 technology suppliers in XaaS, Cloud, Hardware, Software, Services, Healthcare, Outsourcing, Infrastructure, Telecommunications, and other areas of IT spend, resulting in incremental client captured value in excess of $250 billion since 2002. NET(net) has the expertise you need, the experience you want, and the performance you demand. Contact us today at, visit us online at, or call us at +1-866-2-NET-net to see if we can help you capture more value in your IT investments, agreements, and relationships.
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